Do you noticed you can actually play snake game by pressing the arrows key on your keyboard when buffering icon is showing?
No.. That's not the point..
I am using 1Mbps line and viewing 360p video on YouTube shouldn't be a problem to me (well I can't forward it). But recently 360p is unstable, a lot.
So I searched across Internet and came to this little trick (solution).
It works for me although not very obviously.
Basically the steps are:
1. Open Command Prompt with admin priviledge
(Start -> type in "cmd" -> right click "run as administrator")
2. Copy the following
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YourRuleName" dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes
3. Paste into the Command Prompt. (CRTL + V won't works in CMD, right click -> paste instead)
4. Enter and you shall see the message "Ok"
To revert, simply enter
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="YourRuleName"
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