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Apr 30, 2013

Improving YouTube Streaming speed

Are you frustrated when YouTube goes buffering after a few seconds of streaming?
Do you noticed you can actually play snake game by pressing the arrows key on your keyboard when buffering icon is showing?

No.. That's not the point.. 

I am using 1Mbps line and viewing 360p video on YouTube shouldn't be a problem to me (well I can't forward it). But recently 360p is unstable, a lot. 

So I searched across Internet and came to this little trick (solution).
It works for me although not very obviously. 

Basically the steps are:

1.   Open Command Prompt with admin priviledge
      (Start -> type in "cmd" -> right click "run as administrator")
2.   Copy the following 
       netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="YourRuleName" dir=in action=block remoteip=, enable=yes
3.    Paste into the Command Prompt. (CRTL + V won't works in CMD, right click -> paste instead)
4.    Enter and you shall see the message "Ok"

To revert, simply enter 

netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="YourRuleName"

For more information, please visit:

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