This is the output of our implementations,
SAP recommends less tab caching, and to avoid caching the header and item details together.
But with our business scenario, we have to cache both.
If you notice, the header section will be collapsed if item details section is taking up too much space on your screen, this is done automatically by the system. Some of these case might lead to a different screen number and control ID.
So what you need to do first is :
1) Update / Patch your personas system to the latest.
2) Setup Screen ID overwrite & Control ID overwrite rules. (Google for it)
3) Understand the tabs behavior thoroughly, by manually simulate the screen in the basic views.
For our cases, we restricted user manipulation with the expand/collapse features by removing all the buttons, and replace it with our own script buttons.
We only display one detail at one time, we got two script buttons, one is header, another is item details. When user want to view Header, we collapse the item details and expand header, and vice versa.
This allows a greater control over the screen, to avoid SAP automatically readjust the screen, which mess up the screen if you do tab caching. (The header section might be forever cannot be expanded due to the item details is being cached, etc)
Some tips while doing the caching works,
1) Please color the background of each containers before dragging out the elements or adjusting the size. You will need to adjust the outer layout first, one by one next after. (There are a lot of containers)
2) Please use the deepest layer of the container if possible.
3) When the container(s) height is adjusted, the automatic sizing while collapsed might be lost.
4) Think of a refresh screen while you encountered (Step X not found script error)
5) Hidden elements might be the cause of your extra unknown scroll bar.
6) Some of the buttons (or actions) might need to perform twice to take effect.
That's all I can think of now.
Good luck.
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